Teaching assistant at ETH Zürich during my PhD:
- 103-0851-00L Photogrammetrie (2018 - 2021)
Supervision of practical coding exercises. In 2020, I helped to redesign the course exercises in Python as the course was fully implemented as a lab-based graded semester performance.
Teaching assistant at ETH Zürich during my Bachelor and Master studies:
103-0132-00L Geodätische Messtechnik Grundzüge (2013-2017)
Supervision of practical field exercises on geodetic metrology during the semester and in the full-week field course.103-0233-01L GIS I (2013)
Supervision of labs using geographic information systems (GIS) software.
Teaching Volleyball elective courses (J+S school sport) at several high schools in Switzerland (2010-2017)
June 2024: I co-organized the summer PhD course: SSL4EO: Self-Supervised Learning for Earth Observation at University of Copenhagen. [recordings] [slides] [blog post]
June 2024: I co-organized the 10th Workshop on Fine-grained Visual Categorization (FGVC11) at CVPR 2024 in Seattle.
April 2024: I co-organized the Visipedia workshop 2024 at the Pioneer Centre for AI, Copenhagen.
June 2023: I co-organized the 10th Workshop on Fine-grained Visual Categorization (FGVC10) at CVPR 2023 in Vancouver.
September 2019: I co-organized together with Jan Dirk Wegner the tutorial on “Deep Learning for Geospatial Data Analysis” at the ECML/PKDD Summer School (EPSS19) in Würzburg, Germany.
June 2019: I organized the tutorial on “Deep learning for geospatial data analysis” at the ISPRS Geospatial week in Enschede, Netherlands. [Slides] [Practical part 1: playground] [Practical part 2: CNN]
January 2019: I co-organized the 1st Swiss “Workshop on Machine Learning for Environmental and Geosciences” (MLEG2019) and the practical tutorial in Zürich, Switzerland. [Practical tutorial].
June 2018: I co-organized together with Jan Dirk Wegner the tutorial on “Deep learning for geospatial data analysis” at the ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium 2018 “Towards Photogrammetry 2020” in Riva, Italy.
Student theses
2023: Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) project, Avirath Sundaresan, Evaluating open-set recognition approaches for re-identification, Supervisors: Nico Lang, Serge Belongie
2023: Bachelor’s Thesis, Philip Enevoldsen & Christian Gundersen, Impairing and Improving Open-Set Recognition with Adversarial Attacks, Supervisors: Nico Lang, Christian Igel [workshop paper]
2022: Master’s Thesis, Clémence Lanfranchi, Global Biomass Mapping and Uncertainty Estimation from GEDI LIDAR Data using Bayesian Deep Learning, Advisors: Nikolai Kalischek & Nico Lang, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Schindler
2020: Master’s Thesis, Agnieszka Rozniak, Data-driven visibility estimation for weather webcams, Supervision: Nico Lang, Dr. Jan D. Wegner, Dr. Christian Sigg (MeteoSwiss), Prof. Konrad Schindler
2020: Semester Project, Olivier Dietrich, High Carbon Stock Estimation with Sentinel-2 and Deep Learning Methods, Supervision: Nikolai Kalischek, Nico Lang, Dr. Jan D. Wegner
2019: Interdisciplinary Project, Agnieszka Rozniak, Drone Images and Deep Learning for River Monitoring in Switzerland, Supervision: Dr. Jan D. Wegner, Nico Lang, Prof. Konrad Schindler
2018: Master’s Thesis, Ursula Kälin, Tree stress estimation with deep learning, Supervision: Dr. Jan D. Wegner, Nico Lang, Prof. Arthur Gessler, Prof. Konrad Schindler
2018: Interdisciplinary Project, Luca Miotti, Change Detection in Tropical Rainforests by Using Optical Satellite Images, Supervision: Nico Lang, Andres C. Rodriguez, Dr. Jan D. Wegner, Prof. Konrad Schindler
2018: Bachelor’s Thesis, Evelyn Weiss, Street Tree Monitoring at City Scale, Supervision: Dr. Jan D. Wegner, Nico Lang, Prof. Konrad Schindler
Recommended resources
Playground is a great online tool to get an intuitive feeling for neural network hyperparameters.
The amazing course notes from CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision are great to learn about CNNs and more.
ML for Remote Sensing Discussion Group organized by Hannah Kerner and Patrick Gray.
Blog post on “How we write rebuttals” by Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra, Stefan Lee
CVPR 2020 Tutorial: “How to write good reviews?” with recorded talks.
Blog post on “Novelty in science” by Michael Black.