Talks and other activities
May 2025: Invited to give a talk at the 2025 Nordic Workshop on AI for Tackling Climate Change.
December 2024: Invited talk at IIRS for the winter course BigAI for BigGIS.
November 2024: Invited talk at the DHI.
September 2024: Invited talk at the LifeCLEF 2024 workshop.
June 2024: Invited talk at the AI2 Environmental seminar series, Seattle.
April 2024: Seminar talk at the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh.
April 2024: Seminar talk at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
September 2023: Invited talk at the RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in the Learning Machines Seminars: “Global vegetation monitoring with probabilistic deep learning” [video]
May 2023: Invited talk at AI for Good: “Global vegetation monitoring with probabilistic deep learning”. [video] [slides]
May 2022: Oral presentation at ESA’s Living Planet Symposium in Bonn about our work on global high-resolution canopy height mapping fusing Sentinel-2 and GEDI. See the project page.
May 2022: Invited talk at ML for Remote Sensing virtual discussion group organized by Hannah Kerner and Patrick Clifton Gray. See their schedule here.
February 2022: Invited seminar talk to the Alan Turing Institute Environment and Sustainability Special Interest Group.
January 2022: Invited talk at Google’s Geo for Good Lightning Talks Series #6: Forest & Nature.
October 2021: Invited talk at the HCSA Largescale Working Group Meeting to present our latest work on large-scale indicative high carbon stock mapping.
October 2021: Invited to present our HCS research project at the AI+X Summit organized by the ETH AI Center
June 2021: Invited to participate in the Workshop on the EU Forest Observatory
May 2021: Invited talk at ESA Phi-lab: “Towards global high-resolution biomass maps: machine vision at large scale”
December 2020: Poster presentation at NeurIPS Europe meetup on Bayesian Deep Learning: “Global Canopy Height Regression from Space-borne LiDAR”
October 2019: Poster presentation at World Food System Center Research Symposium 2019: “Vegetation height mapping with Sentinel-2”
May 2019: Poster presentation at European Space Agency’s (ESA) Living Planet Symposium 2019 in Milan: “Country-wide high-resolution vegetation height mapping with Sentinel-2”
April 2019: Invited Talk at WSIS Forum 2019 in Geneva in the session “How to automate analysis of aerial data in the context of Aid & Development” led by WeRobotics : “Machine Learning for Environmental Sciences”
October 2018: Invited to the Clinton Global Initiative University meeting in Chicago